Game project, plot Maciej Prasal
Programming, administration Konrad Gałęzowski
Graphics Krzysztof Weiss
Agata Maksymiuk
Piotr Pasiński
Przemysław Geremek
Design and items graphics Grzegorz Kiciński
Łukasz "lhx" Dziadek
Buildings and characters graphics Łukasz "Qbik" Kubiński
English translation Krzysztof Ciesielka
Company: K2M Doradztwo Inwestycyjne, Maciej Prasal
Head office: 93-519 Łódź, ul. Sokola 6/29
NIP: PL 729-203-03-87
REGON: 473243680
Registered in evidence of business in:
    Delegatura Łódź - Górna, number II RHU 64111-55131/2004

Contact:, or through forums, Administrator SushiMaker.

Bank account:
    Bank details: BRE BANK S.A. BRE WBE/ŁÓDŹ
    Account number: PL 06 1140 2004 0000 3102 3456 4345

Znaki towarowe i zastrzeżone znaki towarowe:

The following list contains select trademarks and/or registered trademarks that are the property of K2M Doradztwo Inwestycyjne, Maciej Prasal. The list does NOT contain the full list of trademarks.

BWTeam™ and BWTeam logo
trademarks are the property of K2M Doradztwo Inwestycyjne, Maciej Prasal in the UE and/or other countries.

Best Web Technologies™
trademark is the property of K2M Doradztwo Inwestycyjne, Maciej Prasal in the UE and/or other countries.

BloodWars® and BloodWars logo
trademarks and/or restricted trademarks are the property of K2M Doradztwo Inwestycyjne, Maciej Prasal in the UE and/or other countries.

Burning Riders™ and Burning Riders logo
trademarks are the property of K2M Doradztwo Inwestycyjne, Maciej Prasal in the UE and/or other countries.

Time Edge™, Czas Wojny™, Time Edge logo and Czas Wojny logo
trademarks are the property of K2M Doradztwo Inwestycyjne, Maciej Prasal in the UE and/or other countries.